Monday, October 2, 2017

Myanmar 2017

I like the top right.  No huffing or puffing in the airport

Reclining Buddha - 70 metres long

Market offerings

Thanaka - Burmese sunscreen

Shwedagon Pagoda

Burmese girl wearing thanaka (Burmese Sunscreen)

They made us cover up and gave us this to wear at one pagoda.

Rob wearing a longyi

Me at a market

Temples everywhere

How ladylike.

Festival day

How many people can you fit in a boat?

Me trying out a neck coil.

Coke ad

Another temple

Giant ant hill considered lucky. (In a restaurant)

Giant gourds

Grinding palm nuts for oil

No idea what this says.  I just love the writing.

Nothing like a good cigar.

Best bananas I've ever had.

Garlic stall

Dried fish

Onions and garlic

Mmm, flies

Rob and Stephen looking stylish with their new man bags.

Lotus flowers

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Padaung woman with neck coil

Lacquerware making factory

Climbing the tree to knock the coconuts down.

More temples hiding in the woods

Making palm sugar candy

Rob and I having tea.

The loo

Squat toilet.  Great for girls.

Mt. Popa

Macaques everywhere

Stalls selling stuff in a temple

Let me get that for you.

Baby macaque

What else can we add to this shrine?  It needs something....

Typical Burmese boat

When it's 44 degrees out, best to just jump in the lake.

Burmese house

Buddhist Monks 

Another Burmese house

Temples everywhere

Mini monks

Nun's preparing a meal for the monks

Nun's kitchen

Fried everything

I love how she's holding him.

Burmese houses

Hsinbyume Pagoda

How cute is she?

All of Buddha's teachings are engraved on tablets here.

Gotta love the sparkly lights.

How many monks can you fit on one truck?

Basket fisherman

Making thread from lotus stalk

Weaving lotus threads

House on the water anyone?

Village on the water.  Has shops, workshops and houses.

One legged rowers

Making cheroots (mini cigars)

Idiot tourist trying out a cheroot before he turned green.

Offerings to the Buddhas
5 sacred Buddhas covered in so much gold leaf that they have become snowmen

Pa-O Women

Amazing butterflies

Boats at a market

Pa-O women with towels instead of the normal head covering.

Pa-O women

Ancient temples

Festival Day

Parasol factory

Padaung women with neck coils

Padaung women weaving

Myanmar Idol Winners

Typical Burmese city apartments

Kaenneri and Kaennera (Burma's Romeo and Juliette)

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