Monday, September 3, 2018

Dunvegan Castle and Northern Isle of Skye

Portree harbour where we are staying.

Robin-he was red not orange in real life.  They are much
tinier than our robins.

Like the roads aren't narrow enough...
Dunvegan Castle-Home of Clan MacLeod

Monument to Flora Macdonald who helped Bonny Prince
Charlie escape gov't troops at the Battle of Culloden

How cute is this.....

Scottish coos are very pretty.

Crofter's home
A crofter is the person who occupies and works a small
landholding known as a croft.

Lucky to see someone finally wearing a kilt.

The croft

Pied  Wagtail

Took this from the car window.  I could have reached out
and touched him.  He wasn't bothered in the least.

Typical home here.  They are always white and often have a
chimney at each end.



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