Monday, September 10, 2018

Nigg Old Church

We wandered over to the village of Nigg.  The question was raised as to what people from Nigg are called....
Then we visited Nigg Old Church which houses a monument from the eighth century.  (Stuff here is really old!)

During the cholera epidemic in the 1830's people thought
 if they covered this stone, it would keep the miasma from
getting them so they covered it with a blanket. 
This is known as the Cholera Stone and it must never be disturbed
lest the cholera be released and it is notable that there are no graves nearby. 

Inside the Old Church

Eighth century Pictish cross-slab stone.  Pictish were an ancient people
from this time.

Church and churchyard.

Cheery engravings on a tombstone.  Perhaps a pirate is
buried here.

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