Sunday, September 2, 2018

Hiking The Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye

This was an amazing hike not too far from our hotel but still a drive.  Parts of it were just footpath but other parts were a scramble on all fours with the winds howling and trying their hardest to blow us off the mountain.  The mist kept coming in and surrounding us and then it just rained and rained and rained, sometimes sideways.  We were totally soaked by the time we got back to the car but it was a great day out despite the weather.  We even had a picnic sheltered behind a rock from the wind and the rain.

I love this guy's socks.  I think his mother was a cow.

Sheep enjoying the lovely weather.

Always a stile to climb over.

Rob adding to the cairn.

The hike continues.

The mists came in and enveloped everything.

This is The Old Man of Storr

View from Storr ridge.

The Old Man of Storr is behind me in the mist.

Hanging onto my hat as the winds are wicked.

Spooky, eh?

Part of the path as we walk into the abyss.

View from part way up to the Storr, which is a rocky ridge
whose face is a labyrinth of craggy spires and pinnacles
resulting from landslip, and the Old Man is the tallest and most
distinctive of these spires.

This is an example of the roads we are taking.  It's always
fun when you meet a car coming in the opposite direction as
you try to squeeze by each other.

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